29 oct 2018 Exceptional High Tide in Venice

The maximum level was reached around 15:00 , just below the 160 cm expected.
After which the tide began to flow slowly, with the next peak announced for one o’clock at night, to 140 centimeters.
In Venice, the high water began to create inconveniences from the early hours of Monday morning.
San Marco did not even serve the walkways to facilitate transit: shortly after 13, in fact, local police officers began to block access, because the water level was too high and there was a danger of I float.
The only way to pass, therefore, was to plunge into the water, rubber boots on the feet. Later, in some places, this was not possible either.
A few minutes before 15.00 the Centro Maree of the Municipality registered 156 centimeters at Punta della Salute and 142 at Diga Lido.
Touched the 144 at Burano and 138 at Chioggia.
Exceptional record-breaking tide?
It was the fourth highest exceptional tide ever.
The highest level ever reached since 1923 was in 1966 with the historic “aqua granda” of November 4, when the level reached 194 centimeters. Thirteen years later, on December 22, 1979, the figure of 166.

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